Wednesday 14 November 2018

Ecosystem Projects. Natural Science

In this unit 2 we are learning about Ecosystems. I got some volunteer projects that I will be posting  as soon as I get the pictures ready.
Keep up this fantastic job!

Friday 9 November 2018

Volcano Projects

In this first unit  in English, we are learning about volcanoes, their parts. As an optional project, some of the students have brought a volcano that it even erupted in class! They have used vinegar, food coloring and baking soda.
These are the pics of some of the projects ( I will update the pictures when I get some more pictures):

Thursday 8 November 2018

Unit 2: In the rainforest. English

Vocabulary: creeper, break, toucan, sloth, branch, anaconda, pool, jaguar, antearter, poisonous, stripes, spots, frog.



Monday 5 November 2018

How to Create a Paper Mosaic (November, 20th-27th and 22nd- 23rd)

Watch this video, please, and answer these questions:

1- What is a mosaic?

2-  What are the steps to create a mosaic made of paper?

3-  Should the pieces of paper be touching?

Work in the classroom


- A reference picture or drawing that you like, to draw
- Your drawing book.
- One pencil.
- Scissors.
- Glue.
- Scraps of coloured paper.
- A plastic bag to keep the papers.

Created by Mª Angeles

My drawing (November, 13th and 15th). Arts

Watch this video, please, to inspire you about the next work in the classroom:


- Your drawing book
- One pencil
- One black felt tip pen
- Crayons (a wide variety of colours)

Created by Mª Angeles

Unit 4 - Antoni Gaudi (November, 6th and 8th). Arts

Antonio Gaudí

Watch the video and get some ideas from this artist.

-Can you answer this question, now? 

   - What kind of things did he like to watch and create?

Extensive work:

- Read up on Antoni Gaudi's life and work. 
- Look for some videos or pictures about it. 
- Plan how to share the information with your classmates.
- Report your ideas and your plan to your teacher.
- Colour any drawing that you like, inspired by Gaudi's work. 

Created by Mª Angeles